Team Leader

Ryuhei NAKAMURA 中村 龍平
2002-2005: Division of Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University (Dr. Sci.)
2005-2006: JSPS Postdoctoral fellow (PD), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, US
2006-2013: Assistant Professor, Department applied chemistry, the University of Tokyo
2013-present: Team Leader, RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science, Biofunctional catalyst research team
2017-present: Professor, Earth Life Science Institute, Tokyo Institute of Technology
2019-present: Associate Editor, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
Researcher ID: C-9729-2014
Publication (ORCiD)
Curriculum Vitae
Seeking the origin of life for sustanable society-Ryuhei Nakamura Laboratory

Senior Scientist

Yoko CHIBA 千葉 洋子
Academic degree: Doctor of biotechnology
Research field: Metabolic biochemistry
Educational background: Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Latest research topic: Search for undiscovered metabolisms and enzymes
Publication (ORCiD)
Publication (Google Scholar)
Curriculum Vitae
Angew Chem Introducing

Research Scientist

Hideshi OOKA
Hideshi OOKA 大岡 英史
Academic degree: Doctor of Engineering
Research field: Electrochemistry
Educational background: Department of Applied Chemistry, The University of Tokyo
Latest research topic: Development of Catalyst Theory Based on Chemical Reaction Networks and Machine Learning
Publication (ORCiD)
Publication (Google Scholar)
Personal homepage

Research Scientist

Ailong LI
Ailong LI 李 爱龍
Academic degree: Master of Chemical Physics
Research field: Photoelectrocatalytic water splitting, Electrocatalysis
Educational background: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Latest research topic: Spectroelectrochemistry in (photo)electrocatalytic water oxidation
Publication (ORCiD)
Publication (Google Scholar)

Research Scientist

Shuang KONG
Shuang KONG 孔 爽
Academic degree: Doctor of Chemical Physics
Research field: Electrochemistry, Electrochemical water splitting
Educational background: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Latest research topic: Spectroelectrochemistry in (photo)electrocatalytic water oxidation
Publication (ORCiD)
Publication (Google Scholar)

Research Scientist

Ayumi KOISHI 小石 亜弓
Academic degree: Ph.D. in Environmental Geochemistry
Research field: Geochemistry; Physical Chemistry; Mineral-Water Interfaces; Nucleation and Growth
Educational background: PhD in Environmental Geochemistry, Institute of Earth Sciences, Grenoble Alpes University, Grenoble, France
Latest research topic: Growth mechanisms of carbonate minerals and associated uptake of trace elements; role of surface hydrophilicity in nature and its impact on interfacial reactions; clay swelling processes linked to microstructural changes; mechanistic role of water and ions in hydrothermal vent systems
Publication (ORCiD)
Publication (Google Scholar)
Curriculum Vitae

Special Postdoctoral Researcher

Taejung Lim
Taejung LIM 임태정 / 林 泰正
Academic degree: Doctor of Engineering
Research field: Electrochemistry, Material chemistry
Educational background: Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
Latest research topics: Spectroelectrochemistry in electrocatalytic water oxidation
Publication (ORCiD)
Publication (Google Scholar)

Special Postdoctoral Researcher

Chen CHEN 陳 辰
Academic degree: Doctor of Engineering
Research field: Origin of Life, Biophysics
Educational background: Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Latest research topic: Creation of a Membraneless Protocell with a Mineral-Mediated Electron Transport Conduit
Publication (Google Scholar)

Postdoctoral Researcher

Aufandra Cakra WARDHANA
Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Materials Science and Engineering
Research field: Photocatalysis, Electrocatalysis
Educational background: Tokyo Institute of Technology
Latest research topics: Spectroelectrochemistry in (photo)electrocatalytic water oxidation
Publication (Google Scholar)

Postdoctoral Researcher

Jeyaraj Sahaya VIJAY
Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics
Research field: Chemical Graph Theory and Chemical Reaction Network
Educational background: Department of Mathematics, VIT University
Latest research topics: Chemical Reaction Network, Autocatalysis
Publication (ORCiD)
Publication (Google Scholar)

Technical Staff

Kazuna Fushimi 伏見 和奈
Academic degree: Master of Chemistry
Research field: Solid-state (electro)chemistry
Educational background: Tokai University
Latest research topic: Spectroelectrochemistry in (photo)electrocatalytic water oxidation

Technical Staff

Academic degree: Master of agricultural and environmental biology
Research field: Crop science
Educational background: Faculty of agriculture, the university of Tokyo
Latest research topic: Finding out new enzymes in microbial metabolism

Visiting Scientist

Shawn E. McGlynn
Shawn E. MCGLYNN (Associate Professor; Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Academic degree: Ph.D. of Biochemistry
Research field: Environmental microbiology and Biochemistry
Educational background:
2001-2005: B.S. Chemistry; Montana State University
2006-2010: Ph.D Biochemistry; Montana State University
2010-2014: Post Doctoral Scholar, Agouron Scholar, and Senior Post Doctoral Scholar in Geobiology; Caltech
Latest research topics:
Enzymatics of sulfur isotope fractionation, single cell ecophysiology in environmental microbial populations, cell-cell interfaces and cell-surface based direct electron transfer, origin of life

Visiting Scientist

Akira Yamaguchi
Akira YAMAGUCHI 山口 晃 (Assistant Professor; Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Academic degree: Doctor of Engineering
Research field: Electrochemistry
Educational background: Department of applied Chemistry, The University of Tokyo
Latest research topics: Development of Electrocatalysts based on machine learning and hydrothermal electrochemistry
Publication (ORCiD)

Visiting Scientist

Katsutoshi ITO
Katsutoshi ITO 伊藤 克敏 (Senior Scientist; Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency)
Academic degree: Doctor of Agriculture
Research field: Environmental Conservation
Educational background: Hiroshima University
Latest research topics: Development of the on-site monitoring system of redox potential in sediment

Visiting Scientist

Tomoharu SUDA
Tomoharu SUDA 須田 智晴 (Assistant Professor; Tokyo University of Science)
Academic degree: Ph. D. in Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies
Research field: Applied Mathematics, Dynamical systems
Educational background: Kyoto university
Latest research topic: Analysis of dynamical systems defined by polynomial vector fields and differential inclusions

Visiting Scientist

Hye-Eun LEE
Hye-Eun LEE 이혜은/李 惠銀(Specially Appointed Assistant Professor; Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Academic degree: Doctor of Engineering
Research field: Bio- and geo-inspired nanomaterial
Educational background: Seoul National University
Latest research topic: Fabrication of nanomaterial and understanding structure formation
Publication (ORCiD)

Visiting Scientist

Yuhang Yu
Yuhang yu 余 雨航(Research Scientist; Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Academic degree: Doctor of Engineering
Research field: Chemical System and Energy Conversion
Educational background: Department of Chemical System, The University of Tokyo
Latest research topics: Catalysis under flow regime, Multiphysics Modeling on reality
Publication (ORCiD)
Publication (Google Scholar)


Taiyo Tamura
Taiyo TAMURA 田村 太陽 (M1, Keio Univ.)
Academic degree: Bachelor of Arts in Policy Management
Research field: Bioinformatics
Latest research topics: Statistical Analysis of Enzyme Databases


Hiroya Takahashi
Hiroya TAKAHASHI 高橋 紘哉 (M2, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Academic degree: Bachelor of Science
Research field: Bio- and geo-inspired nanomaterial
Latest research topics: Fabrication of nanomaterial and understanding structure formation


Nishiki Tomizawa
Nishiki TOMIZAWA 富澤 錦 (D2, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Academic degree: Bachelor of Engineering
Research field: Polymer chemistry, Physical chemistry
Latest research topics: Prebiotic nitrogen cycle


Tomoyuki WAKASHIMA 若島 朋幸 (D2, University of Tsukuba)
Academic degree: Master of Science
Research field: Microbial evolution
Latest research topics: Evolution of biological carbon fixation pathways in bacteria


Yuchen ZHANG 張 雨晨 (D2, University of Science and Technology of China)
Academic degree: Bachelor of Science
Research field: Electrochemistry, inorganic chemistry
Latest research topics: Electrocatalysis driving by ruthenium-based materials


Zewei ZHOU 周 澤瑋 (M1, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Academic degree: Bachelor of Engineering
Research field: Electrochemistry
Latest research topics: Prebiotic nitrogen cycle


Yuri TAKEMURA 竹村悠利 (B4, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Research field: Polymer chemistry
Latest research topics: Dehydration condensation in aqueous systems using nanostructures


Tomomi MINAMI 南 ともみ


Taeko HORIE 堀江 妙子